Physics Reference Books

Dear physics students,

These are some reference books for you.
commonly, UNS physics lecturers use it.
Cek these out!

1. For Basic Physics, Serway Physics 6th edition
and the solution

 2. For Electro and Instrument

3. Concept of Modern Physics (Arthur Beiser)

4. For Electricity and Magnetism, Electrodynamics, Thermodynamics
Griffith - Introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd edition
and the solutions

5. Fisika Inti / Nuclear Physics
Kenneth S Krane - Introductory Nuclear Physics

6. Fisika Zat Padat / Solid State Physiscs
Kittle, Charles - Introduction to Solid State Physics 8th edition

 (untuk mekanika gue ga upload cover bukunya, tapi gue upload kakek ini soalnya dia mirip banget sama dosen gue yang ngajar matakuliah mekanika I, cuman kurang kumis aja.hahahahhaha)
7. Mekanika
Thornton Marion - Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems
and the solutions

8. Fisika Matematika I dan II
Mary L. Boas - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd edition - John Wiley
9. Fisika Matematika III
George B. Arfken and Hans J. Weber - Mathematical Methods for Physicists 5th edition
