SEMESTER BREAK LYFE~~~ (Year End of 2017 and Starting 2018 Life)

(photo taken in the faculty lobby)

Hello again my dear reader... I hope you guys all feel wonderful and blessing that we are in a good shape and healthy today. 
Anyway, I am sitting on my chair now, blue chair, haven't sleep at all, my eyes look really like a panda hahaha... Before me is my lovely laptop sitting on the brown table, which I use everyday here in my rent room, listening to some good music from studio Ghibli. For your information, I really love Ghibli music. I don't have any specific reason for this but, it surely nice and calm music which can bring back my mood, perfect for accompanying me writing my thesis, my blog, my journal, or going to bed, or taking a shower, or just chill out in this tiny quite lovely room of mine. I need to rent a room because I am staying out of town for the sake of gathering data for my thesis. More than a month already since the first day I step my foot again in this country, staying home only for 2 weeks I think, then I moved here. I come home once in a week, spending the weekend at home then coming back here again doing work in the weekdays.

Speaking of gathering data for my thesis. Well, since my thesis is about customers and MSME so, I began to search the targeted MSMEs, asking them to cooperate with my study, and asking their permission for me to have some of their customers numbers, and I did it! I was kinda nervous at first cause I wasn't sure whether they would like to cooperate with me but, Alhamdulillah they do. Took me a week doing all of those things. Then, I began to message every single customer, addressing them privately like saying hello, introduce myself, my project, and not to forget to mention their names and address them politely in every conversations (remember sopan samtun, this is Indonesia 😉 ), so they would feel like they were important for my thesis, and they do important; and with that feel I hope they would be happy to cooperate too. Then, yes, I was right. By addressing every informant I have, made them feel somehow special and honored to be a part of my project or research, rather than addressing them commonly like just saying 'you', or 'mam', or 'sir', or 'Mr', or 'Mrs' or whatever, it seems less close I guess. Since, I was the one who need them, so I am the one who need to set aside my ego or whatever pride I have, make it low down to be more humble, smile enough, and not to forget to show them that I was very grateful for their cooperation, both through messages or meeting face to face. That is just my little advice, amd according to my experience. You may take it or leave it 😁✌

And yeah, my whole semester break in this year will be filled with gathering-data-kinda-must-do-it-and-must-not-skip thing. Why? You ask me why??? Cause I am going to my 3rd semester which is my last semester according to my study plan. So, this year is my final year of studying master degree. I really hope I can finish it on time, and Alhamdulillah my supervisor said I am still on the right track. 😃😊 After this I hope I can find a good scholarship or studentship with stipend for my PhD 😁✌



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