Changing Direction, Maintaining The Same Goals

Speaking of changing direction but maintaining the same goal. Well, its about me again. Yeah..😎

First, where my direction change into? 👈👩
From generating numbers to selling numbers; from generating equations to selling equations; from scientist to business. Related? Kinda 👥. Keeping me from my sanity. Almost crazy for becoming scientist. Like a man born in Mars with the gen of earth but cannot live on earth yet falling in love with the woman on earth then got separated because they aren't meant to be. (ennggg...Like a story from the movie, yes you are right).

BUT! Its a lot crazier for giving that in and standing up again in a whole new world. Its like you are going back to thousand years back and couldn't understand how their manual is. Or, going to thousand years later and that world is telling you how stupid you are for not knowing anything. Like a man living in a zombie land, you need to act and think like zombies. How??? LEARN! STUDY HARD! Yes! It needs a lot of efforts and time to adjust, yet you don't have that much time. So you need to run your brain out over limit, dying yet trying not to (literally) die. Standing up on the cliff line, maintaining your balance not to fall down, and maintaining ur sanity so you can keep running and see your surroundings clearly.

Second, what is the goals that I maintain? THESE!👇😈
  1. Not to become an ancient woman for my children and the future.
  2. To always open the door of existing and new knowledge.
  3. Maintaining myself to be my children's table of discussion no matter how old I am.
  4. No matter how the world is getting modern time to time, I will keep myself educated.
  5. And other goals that might come up as time goes 👻👻👻
Fly higher and run further to be an educated woman🎓, cause I believe: Smart woman deliver smart children. 💁

Salam Belajar dan Salam Sehat!
Lindungi jiwa kita dari akar akar Jahat! 💪


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