Good Bye My Lovely Eldest Brother, Aziz Widiyanto
My lovely eldest brother, Aziz Widiyanto, born in April 26, 1971, is my eldest brother, knew me since I was born, knew my character (love to eat and talk alot). He always say "Hana only have 2 habits, either eat or talk. When she is quite means she is eating, neither she will keep talking".
He is a type of very caring person and very old-fashion. One day He worried if I cant get any boyfriend because of my bad habits. So he loved to make a match between me and many of his friends, even his nephew in-law, hahahaha funny! :D
He would love to give me some advices, about my own life, how to thanks to our parents, my dream about taking my master degree, my love life, many things. Maybe because he feel responsible as the eldest.
And now..
Good bye my lovely eldest brother in the bless Friday, Sept 12, 2014. I will never forget your advices and your wise words for me. This maybe the end of your journey in this world, but we will always pray for you to lead your path in the next life which is so far away from here that we can not even see. So much thanks and gratitude for (literally) everything that you gave for me. InsyaAllah khusnul khotimah, Amiiin...
In memoriam of Aziz Widiyanto, a very caring husband, a good father, a wise brother, and a friendly person.
Left to right: I and Alm. Brother Aziz (at brother Tomo's wedding - my 2nd brother)
Left to right: Brother Farid (my 4th brother), Alm. Brother Aziz, Rara (Alm. Brother Aziz's daughter), Father
Left to right: Adzril (our nephew) and Alm. Brother Aziz
Left to right: Brother Farid and Alm. Brother Aziz
Right to left: Alm. Brother Aziz and Rara (his daughter)
Alm. Brother Aziz is in the very right one
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