Another Good Day of the Year, 2016.

Photo session, depan ruang Pokja, lt.3, gd.B
Featuring the lovely Aprilia, Rahmamega, & Risalatul

Yeay!!! Finally this day has come! Wow! 
How do i feel?? Wonderful!! 
Why?? Because I've passed my thesis exam! Yuhuuu!!!
Well, although I've been flooded by so many critics and corrections (of course, who doesn't? :P ), was a piece of cake! kkkkk wroooonnggg......hahahahaha. I teel you a secret. Honestly, I felt sooooo nervous yet happy. I believe, the power of the prayers from my family, my friends, and others are like a spell to  my panels which bring magical words "Mba Hana dinyatakan tidak ujian ulang", it means I passed! Wowowowooo!!! Well, prayer ain't the only one which makes magical words happen, but also hard work and efforts. Doing your best is what you need pals!

Thank you for all of your supports.
Hug hug! Kiss! :*
(May 16, 2016)

Photo session, depan ruang Pokja, lt.3, gd.B
Featuring the lovely Aprilia, Rahmamega, & Risalatul


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